Monday, 5 March 2012

SoapUi,Selenium and TestLink Integration

This document will show how to integrate Selenium, Soapui with Test link. This integration is nothing more than sending the execution result of the SOAPUI test script for Test link.
  • Install Test link version 1.9
  • dbfacade-Testlink-api-client
  • Libraries Selenium RC Java
  • Install SoapUI 3.6.1

I) Configure Test Link
Step1: Enable the project with Automation Testing

Step2: Edit the configuration file in Test link
1) Add below two lines in file
$tlCfg-> api -> enabled
$tlCfg-> exec_cfg-> enable_test_automation
2) Rename as
Step3: Generate a new key access
After you enable the API access to XML-RPC and report the activation of automation in the configuration file is necessary to generate the key. This key is created by user and that it will allow the Test link identify who is trying to access the XML-RPC services.
TestLinkHomePage--->My Settings--->Account Settings--->ApiInterface Section--->Click on Generate a new key.

II) Configure SOAPUI

Step1:-Install SOAPUI 3.6.1 Software.
Step2: Create a new Project.
Right Click on Projects--->New soapUI Project.

Step3: Create a Test Suite

Test Suite is a collection of test cases that are intended to be used to test a software program to show that it has some specified set of behaviors.

To Create a test Suite, double click on the Project name, overview of the Project will be displayed. Click on Test Suites Icon as Shown below

Step 4: Create a Test Case.

Step5:Add Groovy Script to test case.

III) Preparing Development Environment (SOAPUI)
Step1:-Add the following jar files in SOAPUI ext folder.
Path: C:\Program Files\eviware\soapUI-3.6.1\bin\ext
  • dbfacade-Testlink:
    • Testlink-client-api-2.0.jar
    • all libs
  • Selenium RC:
    • selenium-server.jar
    • Selenium-java-client-driver. jar
Step2: Create new project (TestLinkSelenium) in Eclipse
Step3: Create new package (test link).
Step4: Create Class ResultadoExecution to package (testlink).
Create ResultadoExecution class, which is responsible for sending the result of the script to Test link.
package testlink;

public class ResultadoExecution implements IConstantes
public static void reportTestCaseResult1(String TestProject, String TestPlan, String TestCase, String BuildName, String nota, String resultado) throws TestLinkAPIException
TestLinkAPIClient testlinkAPIClient = new TestLinkAPIClient(DEVKEY, URL);
testlinkAPIClient.reportTestCaseResult(TestProject, TestPlan, TestCase, BuildName, nota, resultado);
Step5: Create Interface Iconstantes to package (testlink).
Create an interface with the data necessary to send the data to the Testlink, which are the parameters that were described above.
package testlink;
public interface IConstantes {
final String DEVKEY = "7c0893a8c63d2599074a308de09ad75b";
final String URL = "http://localhost:82/testlink/lib/api/xmlrpc.php";
final String PROJECT = "SeleniumIntegrationWithTestlink";
final String PLAN = "LCLT001-IntegratingSelenium";
final String BUILD = "integarationbuild1";
final String TestCase1 = "Limsearch";
final String TestCase2 = "Searchbyemail";
Here DEVKEY =generated API KEY
PROJECT= Project name in Testlink.
PLAN=TestPlan Name
BUILD=Build Name
TestCase1=TestCaseName (Limsearch)

Step6: Create jar file (soapui.jar)for class ResultadoExecution and interface Iconstantes .This jar file will be use in Soapui.
Step7: Add created jar file (soapui.jar) to ext folder of soapui.
Path: C:\Program Files\eviware\soapUI-3.6.1\bin\ext
Step8: Add the SourceCode to Groovy Script in Soapui.

import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import testlink.*; //import ResultadoExecution and IConstantes

public final class Emailsearch implements IConstantes {
private static Emailsearch instance;
public Selenium selenium;

private Emailsearch (String host, int port, String browserType, String url)
this.selenium= new DefaultSelenium(host, port, browserType, url);
this.selenium.start (); (url);
String resultado = null;
String nota = null;
try { ("/"); ("link=Login");
selenium.waitForPageToLoad ("60000");
selenium.type ("login", "bala");
selenium.type ("password", "krishna"); ("Submit");
selenium.waitForPageToLoad ("30000"); ("link=Search Member");
selenium.waitForPageToLoad ("30000");
selenium.type ("email", ""); ("//input [@type='submit']");
selenium.waitForPageToLoad ("30000"); ("link=Logout");
selenium.waitForPageToLoad ("30000");
selenium.close ();
selenium.stop ();
resultado = TestLinkAPIResults.TEST_PASSED

catch (Exception e) {
resultado = TestLinkAPIResults.TEST_FAILED;
nota = e.getMessage ();
e.printStackTrace ();

finally {
ResultadoExecution.reportTestCaseResult1 (PROJET, PLAN, TestCase1, BUILD, nota, resultado);

public static Emailsearch getInstance (String host, int port, String browserType, String url)
instance = new Emailsearch (host, port, browserType, url);
return instance;

Emailsearch.getInstance ("", 4444,"*iexplore","");

Step9: Start SeleniumServer.jar
Step10: Launch TestRunner in SoapUi.

Step11:Click on Launch. Selenium testcase will be executed in iexplore.

Step12:After completing the execution test Case Results will be updated in Test Link.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello bala

    Pls let know if this solution is worki g

  3. Hello bala

    Pls let know if this solution is worki g

  4. Hi
    i tried to automate integration with jenkins, but send me an error message in jenkins:
    Someone can help me?
